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Live worms at Newton IGA 7-2-24. Special on 2nd quality only $4.00 per dozen, get'em while you can.
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Our frozen boxes are designed for 2 day shipments. If you select ground as your delivery, keep in mind it might take an extra 2 days to get them to you (we are not responsible). Fedex and other shippers are not guaranteeing delivery dates. We will do our best to get the worms to you frozen, but cannot control when they are delivered. We ship on Monday of each week so that we do not have any boxes stuck on a delivery truck over the weekend.
Catfish Pro's new product... made with our Catawba Worms https://catfishpro.com/shop/ols/products/catfish-pro-skipjack-catfish-bait
Frozen worms avaliable at Buffalo Shoals IGA (NC) .
We are a fish bait company located in Catawba County, North Carolina (US). We specialize in the wholesale production of Catalpa/Catawba Worms, used for fish bait. We have been in business for over 20 years, harvest over 50,000 Catawba worms per year, and have consistently produced Catawba worms on our farm for over 30 years.
What are Catawba/Catalpa Worms?
Catawba worms are actually not worms at all, they are the larval stage of a Moth (Ceratomia catalpae) that only eats the leaves of a "Catalpa/Catawba" tree. They are seasonal, attract many predators that like to eat them (besides fish). Making them hard to find, and a consistent supply of Catawba worms almost impossible to come by. Lots of the "old timers" search far and wide to find this legendary fish bait, as it is some of the best around for catfish and panfish.

How do I Fish with Them?
Well it depends who you ask .... Some people prefer to turn them inside-out so that the scent gets "in the water" quicker, whereas others just cut them in 1/2, or 1/4 and fish with them. They are not like a typical worm, as their skin is "tough" almost like leather. We have had people tell us that they have caught 10 fish on a half of worm and never had to re-bait. When using our Patented frozen Catawba worms, make sure to thaw them the day you plan on fishing.
Catalpa/Catawba/Tawby/Bean Tree Worms ---What is the actual name??? Let's muddy the water a little more..... Ford® vs. Chevy® Blue vs. Grey Duke vs. Carolina Alabama vs. Auburn Michigan vs. Ohio State Earnhardt vs. NASCAR® Well at lease everyone can agree on one thing (no matter how you pronounce it) they catch fish.
Catawba Gold Bait, LLC is a proud member of Goodness Grows in North Carolina.
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